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Dr. Greg Anderson's
Vaccination Workshop


According to Dr. D.D. Palmer, there are three causes of Subluxation; Trauma, Toxins, and Autosuggestion (the emotions). Today we refer to them as physical, chemical and emotional stress. What could be more stressful to the modern child or adult than to receive more than 141 vaccinations by the age of 65?

The Vaccination class has been updated to include the latest information on Gardasil, Prevnar, the Kiggs Study, the annual Flu shots as well as the vaccine-autism, vaccine-autoimmune disease and vaccine-SIDS connections. If you are growing a family-based wellness practice, the first step is establishing yourself as a children’s wellness expert. Vaccination questions come up weekly in our practice. This class can be taught to your patients or as a community health class. The focus of the class is on giving the parent a balanced look at the subject of vaccination. (Since they usually only hear the pharmaceutical propaganda) Well researched and added to over the past 35 years it cover the following subjects and more….

  • • Vaccination is an emotional issue
    • Vaccination is a FREEDOM OF CHOICE issue
    • Your child’s immune system development
    • How important is breastfeeding
    • The Germ Theory of Disease
    • Debunking Koch’s Postulates as they apply to Pasteur’s work
    • Recommended Vaccine schedules (New schedules for children, adolescents, and adults.
    • Have vaccines made us healthier
    • Are vaccines necessary?
    • Did they really wipe out infectious diseases?
    • How effective are vaccines
    • Are vaccinated children healthier than unvaccinated children? (The Kiggs Study)
    • Are vaccines safe?
    • Are vaccines really about health and public safety or are their other motives?
    • A look at FDA and CDC vaccine approval, is the fox guarding the hen house?
    • How do the toxic ingredients in vaccines affect our children?
    • Autism, SIDS and autoimmune diseases: connections to vaccination
    • Gardasil, Prevnar-13 and Flu shot
    • Chiropractic and your immune system
    • Boosting Your Immunity Naturally
    • Questions to ask if you do vaccinate your child
    • Your choices as a parent , types of exemptions

