For the First Time Ever... Coaching information, audio and materials delivered directly to your desktop EVERY MONTH! No searching for information…no wondering what’s next…no missed deadlines…no worries period! Receive a broad spectrum of practice related growth coaching programs every month and we will POP UP directly on your desktop. You will receive between 2 and 3 hours of coaching material and audio content, divided into 5 different tracks that are syllabus based and designed to specifically help you and your business grow. Bold statements? Not really. Simply the facts. And, delivered at the most reasonable price for this level of service and expertise EVER! |
Finally, a web based coaching program that’s designed to fit YOU and YOU get 5 monthly programs on patient education, marketing, finances, CA training and more from the best coaches in the field and renowned GUEST Lecturers as well as interviews with TOP Practitioners. Not only is the content without peer, the delivery system makes it unique and EASY FOR YOU! And, with a BIG WHY to go by and hold yourself accountable to, you WILL take the action steps that make change and success permanent. The formula for permanent change is simple: And here’s the delivery vehicle that forever changes how information will be delivered... the VIP Coaching App Your 5 monthly coaching tracks will literally POP-UP on your desktop with the content for the month. No emails to look for or open. Once the delivery widget is open, you can select any of the 5 content pieces for that month and access them in any order you wish for as long as you wish right in the player on your desktop. We will, of course, also provide you with the links to download all the materials every month. You can use the widget whether your internet browser or email is open or closed. You can, right from inside the widget, send an email or a question to us. You can even search our website right from inside the widget. ANYBODY CAN DO THIS! The FIRST MONTH is a one-on-one LIVE coaching call with Dr. Steve Hoffman to help you CLARIFY and GROW your WHY.
Together let's add CERTAINTY to you and ALL you do while letting (in fact, encouraging) you to be the
MOST AUTHENTIC YOU that you can be.
Over $3000 in products and services are yours for just pennies on the dollar... only possible through digital download of materials! Read on to see what will be coming your way in months 2-12... The 1st Month is just $1.00... "kick the tires", check it out, see if you don't absolutely love the content... and if you do, then do nothing, you will be billed If for some reason you don't thoroughly enjoy the content simply cancel your subscription before the end of 30 days... no harm, no foul! |