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Practice Development Success Kit
$725.00 + $10.95 S&H

The $54,000 Success Kit

The Practice Development Success Kit

The Quickstart is a great way to start on your way to creating the level of success you want in your life. While the QUICK START SUCCESS KIT contains 5 core products, the PRACTICE DEVELOPMENT SUCCESS KIT adds TWO VITAL ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS (an additional SKILL and an additional RESOURCE) to the KIT for a TOTAL of 7 products:

Here are descriptions of the 2 additional products that come with the Practice Development Success Kit:

1. The additional SKILL is the Mastering Chiropractic with Certainty Technic Mastery Seminar video. The purpose of the MC2 program is to help you experience a practice without contradiction. MC2 combines our Philosophy, Science and Art in a way that will allow you to gain clinical certainty in your office by knowing:

 Where, when and when not to adjust.
 How to determine a precise line of drive every visit.
 Why a tonal model is vital for upper cervical specific.
 Adjusting by hand or with the Integrator.
 The limits of x-ray! and 21st Century Instrumentation.
 All within the comfort of your own home or office with an archive copy to keep and review as you wish!

2. The additional RESOURCE is the UNIQUE Report of Findings and Patient Resource Guide. Finally…a step by step guide and resource center for your report of findings. The ROF comes in a 3 Ring Binder format so you can easily see how to put yours together. All the pages are there as well as a brief explanation for implementation. We recommend you produce your own 3 ring binders for your practice members using the files that comes with the binder. The files are completely editable so you can customize the ROF for your office, for your practice members.

FOR THE FIRST TIME…make your report of findings an information resource for your practice members that they will refer to time and again instead of what it is today…something they may look at…once. Additional resources for the doctor are also included. Just some of the many sections include:

1. Vital Office Information with your
a. Personal Office Info and Your Welcome letter
b. 10 Steps to understanding chiropractic
c. It’s better to grow healthy kids than repair damaged adults

2. Their ROF containing
a. Exam/Report
b. Hoffman Chart
c. Arrow and stress diagrams
d. The broken wrist analogy

3. A Section to keep all their progress evaluations along with
a. Your first re-exam
b. Re-exam assessment of improvement
c. Progressive re-exam surveys
d. Progress evaluation questionnaires

4. A Section for your practice members to add Vital Health Information that you provide

5. A section for them to keep their copies of their HealthTip of the Week and more…

The Practice Development Success Kit includes:
Goal Achieving Audio program
Ideal Patient Audio program
33 Principles of Chiropractic Video
Paradigm Shift Patient Education PowerPoint and Audio
The Blueprint for Creating your Dream Practice Audio
The MC2 Technical Mastery Seminar Video
The Unique Report of Findings Patient Binder and Data files

All of these products are digital downloads with the exception of the MC2 Technical Mastery Seminar video which will be shipped to you. You will receive an email with your download links after you purchase your success kit. These are temporary links and will expire... so download them and save them to your computer as soon as possible.